it’s been a while…


I hope you are all well especially as we hurtle into Autumn and it is definitely getting colder here in the UK. It has been over a month since I have written anything on here and to be honest I have missed it but my blog has definitely taken a back seat ! The simple explanation for this is that I have just been busy as I am now working as a teaching assistant full time- although it is currently half term and alongside that I am applying to do my PGCE next Septemeber so it’s back to UCAS at the moment. 

I do want to get back into my blog so the plan is to upload a review every Wednesday evening at around 7 and am hoping to get this to two a week in November but right  now I’m not sure how else this will work…help me!

There will  be a post this week so keep your eyes peeled 

Emily xx  

Hello again,

Hello everyone and  good afternoon!

Welcome back to my blog, it’s nice to see you again. As you all know it has been a couple of weeks since I have posted anything on here, actually it was just before heading home for easter break. Now, I am back at university with my dissertation finished and handed in and while I have a huge amount of work still to do, I thought that as I sit here binge watching Grimm, painting my nails and eating popcorn now was the time to get back into my blog.

I don’t want to sound repetitive to other blog posts but having submitted the biggest piece of work I have done to date really emphasises the idea that the end of my university experience is right around the corner.  Although I am fully aware that I need to start looking and applying for graduate jobs I am also eager to go travelling ideally around America, or at least to New York. I feel that I want to experience as many places as I can now before I begin my career as although this may be more economically viable I think the things that you want to do in your twenties are different to those later in life.

So if any of you have ever been travelling on your own and have any advice I would be really interested to know if you have any recommendations for sites that you used or tips please leave them in the comment section below.

I know this isn’t the most interesting or helpful blog but I thought I should get something up- and so the next post is going to be talking about proms and balls- particularly dresses that I have found online that won’t break the budget but still look really good.

Until then,

